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MakerDAO (@MakerDAO)的见解

时间:2024-04-19 07:43 编辑:Wrapped BitcoinWBTC

Following last week's market fluctuations, the Maker Protocol executed 8 liquidation auctions amounting to 13,145,708 DAI. Here are three key points for a quick recap ↓ 1) Of the eight liquidations that took place on April 13th, the Maker Protocol successfully covered ~11.6 million DAI in risky debt and ~1.5 million DAI in penalties. 2) The largest liquidation auction involved a WBTC-C vault, which auctioned a total of 5,910,562 DAI from the sale of 99.17 WBTC. 3) Overall, ~9.04 million DAI was collected from WBTC vaults, while approximately 4.5 million DAI was collected from ETH and wstETH vaults.

Explore more about liquidations at https://t.co/05u0dWhvof Protect your vaults. Add collateral or pay your DAI debt partially.


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